It is quite Impossible to satisfy people

In one night, a shopkeeper was about to close his shop. At the last moment, a dog came to him carrying a bag in its mouth. The shopkeeper took the bag, opened it and found a list of goods and some money in it. He put the goods in the bag according to the list and took the proper amount of money. The dog again picked up the bag in its mouth and started walking away from the shop.

The shopkeeper as very much surprised at what just happened. He decided to see who the owner of this good working dog was. So he started to follow the dog.

The dog reached the bus stoppage and stood in the queue. A bus came and the dog boarded on. The shopkeeper also boarded on. After a while, the bus conductor came to the dog. The dog extended its neck and there were money and a small paper mentioning the destination of it attached to the neck belt. The conductor took the exact amount of money and put the ticket in the belt again.

When the bus reached the destination, the dog proceeded to the bus door and waved its tail to attract the conductor. The door was opened and dog exited the bus. The shopkeeper also got down on the bus and kept following.
After few minutes, the dog arrived in front of a house and knocked on the door with its paw for 3 times. A few moments later the owner came out with a stick and started beating the dog.
Then the shopkeeper was more surprised. Why the hell the owner was beating such a lovely working dog!! He couldn’t help himself but asked the question to the owner! The owner replied, “the Stupid dog didn’t take the key. I just started sleeping. It caused me to wake up from my sleep”.

What is the lesson from here?

This is the nature of human being. You can’t satisfy one person whether you do impossible things or not. You may do things perfectly for 99 times but if you do any kind of mistake once, on 100th time, all previous record of perfection will be “just nothing”. If you do one thing according to someone’s expectation, the person’s expectation will grow higher and higher on you until you fail him/her. Forgetting all previous record, you will be just discarded. The expectation or greed has no limit until we reach the grave. It is said in Hadith book in Islam too.

Anas bin Malik reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace, and blessings be upon him, said, “If the son of Adam had a valley full of gold, he would want to have two valleys. Nothing fills his mouth but the dust of the grave, yet Allah will accept whoever repents to him.” (Source: Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 6075, Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 1048)

The lesser the expectation, the higher the chance of leading a happy life.

“I find my life is a lot easier the lower I keep my expectations.”― Bill Watterson

Let's minimize our expectation and start having a happy satisfied life.

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