What is Sleep Hygiene?

Sleep hygiene

Sleep hygiene is nothing but various habits and practices which are essential for having a good nighttime sleep and a daytime full alertness. Having a sound, healthy and quality sleep is important for mental as well as physical health. By maintaining sleep hygiene we can improve our productivity and quality of life.

The practices and habits included in sleep hygiene

  • Spending an appropriate amount of time in bed, asleep; not too less, not too more.
  • Try not to sleep more than 30 minutes in the daytime.
  • Do not take stimulant such as caffeine or nicotine just before bedtime.
  • Avoid taking alcohol too close to bedtime. It might help you fall asleep but disrupt the second half of sleep as the body starts processing the ingested alcohol a few hours later, not immediately.
  • Aerobic exercise such as walking or cycling, as little as 10 mins, helps to get good quality sleep at night time.
  • Do not take food too close to sleep time. Notable foods should be avoided before bedtime is spicy, rich, fatty or fried food. Citrus fruits should be avoided just before sleep. This food might cause indigestion and heartburn during sleep time.
  • Try to maintain a regular bedtime routine. In that way, the body will recognize the bedtime. Reading books, having warm shower or light stretches might be included in the bedtime routine.
  • Try to avoid conversations or activities which might upset you emotionally.
  • Maintain proper sleeping environment. For optimal sleep, the room temperature should be not too cool, not too hot. Bright light, TV screen should be switched off.
  • Last but not the least, a mobile with an internet connection is bad for good sleep. Keep your urge under control for using a social site like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn etc.

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