Food allergy Vs Food intolerance

Food allergy Vs Food intolerance

Many people have symptoms related to the consumed food items. And in most of the instances, it is described as a food allergy. Someone may have a problem with a particular food item and it leaves him/her no choice but to exclude the food. However, all problems are not actually allergic. There is another condition known as food intolerance where similar problems may rise, although it is not an allergic reaction. In this post, we are going to learn about these two conditions related to our foods. So, what are the differences between them?

food allergy

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In a simple way, when the body immune system is involved, it is a food allergy. On the other hand, when the immune system has no part in the development of a symptom, it is considered as food intolerance. 

More specifically, when the reaction is IgE mediated, which is an immunoglobulin circulating in our blood, it is called food allergy, and when the IgE has no play, it is called food intolerance.

Usually, a food allergy develops within minutes to an hour of ingestion but food tolerance won't develop in such a short time (unless taking something which is known as intolerant to a person).

What are the manifestations of food allergy?

Acute hypersensitivity reaction: This is the most common and (sometimes) dangerous form of food allergy. A child or an adult may develop urticaria, vomiting or diarrhoea after eating nuts, milk, strawberries or shellfish. Angioedema of the larynx is really dangerous.

Eczema, rhinitis and asthma: Children are prominently affected in these ways than the adults. In most of the cases, eggs, cow milk, peanuts are recognized allergens for developing such conditions. 

Food sensitive enteropathy: A coeliac disease which is a gluten-sensitive enteropathy in adults, and cow's milk enteropathy in infants are two common examples of food-sensitive enteropathies.


What are the manifestations of food intolerance?

A few common examples of food intolerance are mentioned below:

Migraine: A person may have a migraine attack after taking chocolate, cheese and alcohol. These food items are rich in tyramine which is an amino acid. When excess amounts of tyramine are in the blood, a migraine attack is imminent. Those who are taking MAO inhibitors for their depression are prone to develop migraine following the consumption of above-mentioned food items.

Lactose intolerance: This is the most common form of food intolerance worldwide. Patients develop abdominal bloating and diarrhoea following the ingestion of lactose which is present in the milk. Persons with lactose intolerance are lacking lactase enzyme in their digestive tract.

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS): A very troublesome condition where the exact mechanism is still unclear. But the condition exacerbates following ingesting certain food items such as wheat, milk and dairy products etc.

Chinese restaurant syndrome: In Chinese food, certain chemicals are used to enhance the flavour; monosodium glutamate is one of them. This may cause dizziness, faintness, nausea, sweating and chest pain to a certain group of people after eating in a Chinese restaurant. 

A note: A number of inborn errors of metabolism are regarded as a form of food intolerance.

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