The common cold and/or flu are very common in the winter season. These are among the main reasons for what students miss their classes and workers miss their works each year. In most of the cases, both are self-limiting i.e. they usually go away over a period of 7-10 days by themselves, but these might kill a person. Every year, around 250k to 500k death occur due to cold and Flu.
Before going to learn the causes of increasing prevalence of cold and flu during the winter, we will see a few differences between them. Though both are viral illness, there are few differences too.
Why cold and flu common is winter?
Though these might occur at any time their intensity is higher in the winter season, more specifically in the area or time of low temperature and low humidity. Here are some easy explanation/reasons behind it.
Airway’s defense is hampered due to cold air:
Nose acts as the first line of defense against airborne pathogens. It secrets mucous constantly which traps all the microbes including viruses responsible for cold and flu. Later on, those microbes are expelled out by sneezing or swallowed into the stomach where strong acid kills them. Cold air impaired the secretion of mucous aiding viruses to stay longer on the lining and penetrate it into the bloodstream.
Cold air reduces the effectiveness of immune cells:
At first, cold air helps the virus to gain entry into the blood. Under normal circumstances, immune cells (phagocytes) engulf and destroy those viruses. But cold air again creates a problem here. It reduces the antimicrobial activities of phagocytes.
Reduced UV radiation and Vitamin D production during winter:
Vitamin D has a role in making antimicrobial molecules in our body and thus, preventing replication of influenza viruses. We also know that Vitamin D is produced by our body with the help of UV radiation of sunlight. During winter, the level of UV radiation is lower than other seasons which have a negative effect on body’s vitamin D levels. So, like summer, vitamin D can’t work its best.
Staying in crowded place:
During cold weather or during rain, we like to stay at home, most of the family members. This helps the spread of the virus from person to person easily. Outdoor works also minimum during this time for mass workers who also remain in their boarding place most of the time. So, one infected people is enough for spreading the cold and flu viruses to others.
These are the common and easily palatable explanations for the reason of increased incidence and prevalence of common cold and flu during lower temperature period or places. There might be more complicated cases which are not included here.
Some common practice to fight common cold and flu:
- Stay away from them who are already affected
- Frequent washing hands with soap and water
- Avoid touching nose, mouth, and eyes
- Yearly Flu shot is better to take
- Can try some home remedies
- Consult your doctor if condition deteriorates.