Fainting or blackout or brief unconsciousness is not an uncommon phenomenon to us. There is hardly any person who hasn’t encountered an event of fainting, either himself/herself as a victim or as a witness of other victims. An event of fainting is obviously scary, especially to the observers. In the most of the cases, the witness/observers suddenly become too afraid to do the needful.
The main reason behind fainting is a sudden and temporary cessation of blood supply to the brain. It happens so suddenly that the victim himself /herself can’t predict the very next incidence. Fortunately, it is also temporary, only for few seconds, in most instances.
In the majority of cases, fainting doesn’t happen due to any underlying serious medical illness e.g. intense emotional event might precipitate a spell of fainting. But, it might be the only manifestation of some serious disorders, especially the heart. So, all cases of fainting should be considered as a medical emergency until proved otherwise.
As fainting can occur in any place without any warning so that the nearby witnesses/observers should act as the first rescuers. No need to be panicked. Just do some basic tasks which are mentioned in the following flowchart: